3 Ways to Enjoy the End of Summer

Many schools around the country are kicking off this week, or at least in the next couple of weeks. Because of that, you only have a few short weeks left of *actual* summer - so we want to provide you with the BEST ways to enjoy your last few days or weeks of summer and pack as many memories in as you can. Here are 5 GREAT ways you can enjoy the end of summer at the Lake of the Ozarks!

Get Out On the Water

Getting the boat out and cruising across the surface of the water is a great way to get your last few days of summer fun out of the way! Racing down the main channel, finding a quiet cove to relax in while fishing, sun bathing, or swimming around the boat, or even just using your boat as transportation to your favorite lakefront restaurant at the Lake of the Ozarks are all good reasons to go for a ride. Getting out on the water can be a great last "hoo-rah" before the school season starts, so get out there!

Cool Off By the Pool

One of the most loved summer pastimes is enjoying the pool - so why not find the best pool at the Lake of the Ozarks to come relax by? Here at the Boathouse, we have a beautiful lakefront pool at the Lake of the Ozarks that has been remodeled and updated THIS summer. If you're looking for a great place to kick back and relax before getting into the crazy fall season, we recommend coming out to The Boathouse. Not to mention, we have a great tiki bar where you can get some favorite foods and ice cold drinks!

Enjoy a Great Meal

Do you want to celebrate the changing season with your family? Bring them out for a family dinner and enjoy eachothers company. You can get to our restaurant by way of water or land, so were conveniently located and easy to get to. We have an all new menu for you to try, and the reveiws have been amazing! From delicious appetizers to gourmet entrees - we think you're really going to enjoy our food when you visit.

Start School Off With a Bang!

It's hard to believe that school will be starting soon, but we know that you'll find a great way to kick it off. Come out at see us at The Boathouse! We have worked hard this summer to provide you with an amazing experience, great food, and we aren't stopping now! Come out and see us before you get carried away with the busy school schedule. Fall will be here before we know it, but we just want to bask in the end of summer for a few more weeks - join us!

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By Land:
107 Village Marina Rd
Eldon, MO 65026

By Boat:
Mile Marker 3 by Bagnell Dam


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