Monday, May 28th is National Hamburger Day!

Monday, May 28th is National Hamburger Day! There is nothing quite like biting into a delicious hamburger! The hamburger has been a staple in the American culture for a long time and that's probably why there is an entire day dedicated to it. In case you haven't put it together yet, Memorial Day is also on Monday. What are the odds that National Hamburger Day would fall on Memorial Day? Why not celebrate National Hamberger Day at the best waterfront bar and grill at the Lake of the Ozarks ! For now, learn some facts about hamburgers! History of the Hamburger We are not sure when National Hamburger Day was created but we are glad that they did! Food history always vary based on where you are from but here are a few theories of who created the first hamburger! Ancient Egyptians Some say that the hamburger dates all the way back to Egypt. It is said that they would prepare ground meat (probably wasn't beef) formed into patties with spices Genghis Khan Mong...